Friday, February 25, 2011

A cup of cocoa would make this day.

It's raining and just icky outside...makes me wish I was curled up at home in a blanket with a mug of cocoa.  Sadly, I'm doing that work thing - but now I'm dreaming of real hot cocoa.  None of that Swiss Miss packet garbage...gimmie the good stuff!

So, even though I can't partake in a mug of chocolatey goodness at this moment, I can share a recipe:

1/3 C. dark cocoa powder
1/2 C. sugar
pinch of sea salt
1/3 C. boiling water
3 1/2 C. whole milk
3/4 tsp. vanilla
1/2 C. half & half

Combine dry ingredients in a heavy saucepan, add boiling water and whisk until blended.  Add milk and heat on medium setting, do not boil.  Once mixture is hot enough, remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.  Whisk in half & half to cool cocoa down to drinkable temp.  Top with homemade whipped cream if you like - or add marshmallows!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green...or something.

A while back, I purchased some Matcha powder from Whole Foods.  I'd never really tried green tea lattes or anything like that before, since I usually just stick with coffee (or Irish Breakfast tea, when I'm sick).
I wasn't a fan of the green latte, but I did think that the light flavor would be excellent in cookie form - so I created a Matcha shortbread cookie and drizzled some dark chocolate on top.

My co-workers were skeptical of these green cookie wedges, and I don't blame them.  I mean, they're GREEN.
One bite led to two...and then before I knew it, there were crumbs left in the box!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mmmm Bacon!

Now, I've had chocolate with many things: cheeses, chili, lime, ginger, all sorts of liquor and so on.  When trying to come up with a pairing for this challenge, I realized I'd never had chocolate and bacon together.  I know it's a combo that's pretty popular, but we never have REAL bacon in our house.  We like to pretend that turkey bacon tastes just like regular bacon because turkey bacon is not as evil as pork bacon.  Or something.  The first thing I had to do was purchase REAL bacon.  Mmmmmmmmbacon.

I knew it was a cupcake that had been done before, but I'd never done to get the bacon flavor going right from the start, I replaced the oil in my favorite chocolate cupcake recipe with bacon grease.  Sounds kinda gross, eh?  Perhaps, but wow...that smoky bacon flavor really pops with the cocoa.  When I baked the cupcakes, I did everything I normally did...but I guess the change in the "oil" altered the balance just enough that the cupcakes domed over onto the pan.  I hate when that happens!  

While the cupcakes were cooling, I prepared the frosting - Pure Maple Buttercream.  I could eat this frosting by the spoonful if I didn't feel so guilty about doing son on the other hand, doesn't share my guilt.  He's currently running around the house pretending he's The Flash whilst on a sugar high.  

Atop the frosting I placed a piece of chocolate covered bacon, hand dipped by yours truly.  And sugar sprinkles...I love sugar sprinkles.  If you combined bacon and French toast and then covered them in chocolate...yea, that's my cupcake.